PHPMaker 2022: Form Data Validation

This course will teach you how to use form data validation both for client-side and server-side in PHPMaker 2022. Since this version, PHPMaker added the ability to set focus the first input control on form including the error message below that control after the form is loaded.

We need to know, in which server events we will implement that auto focus when the form is loaded. As we already know, in previous versions of PHPMaker, only client-side validation that supports to auto focus the field which will cause an error while validating the form.

This course will teach you step by step; started from the Prerequisites to enable the related options both for client-side and server-side, and then how to know which section in your PHPMaker 2022 project the code should be added, and how to write the code to make custom validation both for client-side and server-side.

Not only that, you will also know in which .php files the validation code will be generated by PHPMaker 2022, so that you will be able to comprehend so easily how the validation can be customized quickly.

This is very useful if you want to implement complex validation without having to write the code from inside of PHPMaker 2022 project, and then re-generate ALL the script files again. Oftentimes we have to do this in order to save development time significantly.

Course Information

Course Instructor

Masino Sinaga Masino Sinaga Author

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Pay USD 150, you will get access to all courses for one year. After one year, you will have to pay USD 150 for next one year access to all courses.

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